Tuesday, 24 June 2014

How Can I Avoid Acidity?

Acidity and food

patients can acidity eating fresh vegetables, fruits, milk, fish, butter, eggs, jam, white meat, but it must refrain from smoking and alcohol and alcohol completely along with coffee and Gentlemen Tea heavy, which should mitigate them as much as possible, as well as not over-containing foods the spices, and the like that pickles of all kinds.  Diseaseless review

There are steps that if followed strictly can avoid the risk of acidity potential, and when you apply these tips in a systematic manner and strict find a patient that he has improved significantly, so we can avoid acidity and risks, among these tips:

* Do not go to bed immediately after eating, but given time until the stomach can digest.

* Delay to drink water after eating the duration ranged from half an hour to two hours.

* Ensure adherence meals three and not to introduce small meals, or between meals, or eat only when you feel hungry.

* attempt to limit the intake of tea, coffee, soft drinks and sour like lemon juice and orange or drinks that contain large quantities of caffeine.

* Eat a cup of low-fat milk in the morning after waking up from sleep and when Morocco and before going to sleep.

* Careful to exercise twice a week at least, or half an hour a day.

Physiotherapy acidity
acidity of the diseases that will be treated with natural and effective in the hands of the patient before they have physician, and there are a lot of ways the therapeutic potential natural around us that do not bear any of the side effects of chemical drugs, and can be found on some of the details of this natural therapeutic solutions through the end of the visit the link on this webpage. http://www.diseaselessreviewscam.com/about-us/

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Common Diseases Of Acidity

Gradient in the eating, and by eating a little food easy to digest, brown bread or bananas or white rice cooked a little too fat or boiled potatoes.

- avoid certain types of foods temporarily, such as dairy products and whole milk and caffeinated drinks and fatty foods types or foods fortified with spices or hot pepper.

- Get enough rest facility.

- Avoid taking medicines to stop diarrhea, which may cause slowly in ridding the body of bacteria and chemicals that cause the problem of food poisoning.

Therefore, we see people who are predisposed to infection heartburn more than others, as well as, the establishment of stomach secrete certain hormones cause an increase sometimes in the secretion of acid (HCL). Ken Drew Review

External factors are no less serious than those of organic or psychological, as the quality of the food may be a reason in itself to the weakening of the mucous membrane lining of the stomach becomes the stomach vulnerable to the effects of acid (HCL), it is that coffee, tea or smoking or drinking alcohol and God forbid, and some medicines containing substances anti-inflammatory and pain relievers such as aspirin and drugs rheumatism and cortisone the same role.
Finally, sleep immediately after eating or lack of exercise is to keep the LED connector between the stomach and esophagus openwhich leads to the exit of acid from the stomach causing a "flashback", one of the most factors leading to acidity.


Before knowing the leading cause of acidity when someone must pass through several stages and the use of a number of means until we get the result definitive about the reasons for that burning.
Doctor at the outset to take the clinical picture and the history of the disease and its symptoms, after which it is the work of radiographs called (Barium meal) or barium meal, which helps in the detection of some of the causes of acidity, while the third stage is up to the work of the so-called endoscopic, where the tube is inserted rubber by the lens and lighting by mouth, without the need for hypnosis or sedation, and passes the tube esophagus, stomach, and the end of the century, and so the doctor can see the inside of these organs as clearly as he can take pictures of each part of the internal organs. Our special offer on Diseaseless Ebook

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Acidity Of Common Diseases

Acidity of common diseases in this age, which is proliferating and took infect even young children to relate to the behavior of food, which is a natural product of secretions civil, and the spread of fast food, lack of exercise, eat dinner late, such as sleep, are all reasons lead to increased fat The acids in the stomach, and then starts the disease spam. ken drew

What acidity?

Doctors know acidity as burning sensation behind the greatness of the cage bottom of the chest, and different unit felt from one person to anotherand sometimes called "heartburn".
arises a sense of heartburn usually due to attack acid (HCL) and is located under the secretions stomach, and this acid affects the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum and sometimes the lower part of the esophagus, is not limited to this effect on acid, but can ferment pepsin digestive (Pepsin) to do the same thing, as Helps constant friction between food particles, especially what was it is chewed well or The particles are relatively large in the appearance of that aching feeling heartburn.

Causes of acidity are numerous reasons for acidity and vary between organic causes and other psychological as well as those nutritional or arising out of some bad habits. first causes heartburn is the acid in your stomach is named (HCL), and despite the fact that this acid is present in the stomach naturally and you are to help digest food, but that the occurrence of any defect in the mucosal lining of the stomach (which protects the stomach from acid) leads to a lack of the body's immunity and then attacking it sour stomach, causing heartburn.

On the other hand, the psychological factor excess and permanent tension helps the secretion of certain hormones lead to the emergence of acidity or one causes. you can easily go on our webpage for all the disease problem

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Tips To Ease The Pain

- Watch out for diarrhea: It may seem strange, but it is not only hard stools that may increase the state anal fissures, but also diarrhea.

Why? Says Dr. Schuster: "The liquid stool may weaken the tissues surrounding it, also contains acid may burn the interior region, thus causing some sort of rash, which increases your suffering and your pain."

- Watch out for nails: Some are forced under the influence of acupuncture to rub the affected area, but the nails may help a lot in increasing the cracks, and lead to more pain, says Dr. John Lauder (family doctor who specializes in nutrition and preventive medicine in Lawrence, Calif.): "The passing nails sharp above the anus minute, can cause a rupture of the tissues ulcerated previously.” Diseaseless review

- Use some creams: "The topical creams that acted without a prescription, which contains hydrocortisone, may be very helpful in reducing the inflammation that often accompanies the cracks." He also advises doctors using creams that contain vitamins (A and B) that help heal wounds.

- Use hot water: Dr Edmund Leaf (a surgeon in the colon and rectum in Arizona): "You're either filled the bathtub with hot water and sat in it , or sit in a tub of hot water, the warm water helps the muscles in the affected area to relax, and thus less pain. "

- Abstained from certain foods: While there are certain foods such cracks, there are foods may increase the irritation of the affected area, which is advised doctors to refrain them, such as "food spicy and warm."

- Use special pillow: Sitting during injury anal might be troublesome, and the least said about that pain, says Dr. Lauder: "It can make you and avoid pain, choosing one pillows filled with fluid or pillows made in the form of "donut" and available at many major pharmacies and retail medical instruments ", feel free ken drew official webpage


Tips To Ease The Pain Of Anal Fissure

Complain about a lot of people from having cracks (fissures) enema, what causes them pain big-like pain hemorrhoids, although the difference is large and essential between the two, are veins are swollen, while considered cracks or cracks the skin, affecting the same area of the Interior. Says (Head of colorectal surgery at a clinic):

"The cracks anal are very similar to those ruptures painful that infect sometimes lining of the mouth, and spoke these ruptures oral and anal when it rubs against the skin mucous membrane thinning. The one common reasons behind these ruptures in anus, due to the exit stools solid. ken drew

“If you are suffering from cracks anal, know that this ulcers simple small, it can make your life or some periods of sitting, tragedy painful because of burning and twitching and pain caused, which often lead to bleeding, however.

How he sees the doctors could overcome this crisis?

1 - Avoid hard stools: It can be avoided by eating fiber and fluids in abundance, and is generally one of the harmful side effects of the diet-west, which lacks the fiber, it is hard stools fossil that is tearing apart the rectum, leading to the occurrence of cracks anal and hemorrhoids, and the solution? see doctors that he is on a diet rich in fiber and fluids that facilitate the process output, says: "Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, in addition to eating (6-8) cups of water a day, is The best treatment which is also the best preventive measure can we use against these cracks, even healed alone.”

2 - Use powder: after every entry to the bathroom try using baby powder, which helps to absorb moisture from the region, and on this point, says Dr. Marvin Schuster (Head Department of Gastroenterology at the medical center Scott): "This powder keeps the dry zone, which reduces friction, which may occur during the day."  visit ken drew officaial webpage

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Sunday, 22 June 2014

Sports Challenge Of Colon Cancer

A study conducted by researchers at the Cancer Center at the Faculty of Medicine at the University Washington Hospital, Barnes in St. Louis, that physical activity and exercise, reduces the risk of disease, colon cancer, and can make the disease less power, after infection. , and the work of researchers at the University of Washington with colleagues from the American Cancer Society to consider whether changes in physical activity influenced either cases of diagnosed cancer of the colon or the risk of dying from it.

Study included about 150 thousand men and women to determine how to colon cancer, the researchers compared the levels of physical activity between (1982 m. --1,997 m .) and the link between them and the activity levels both to the number of colon cancer between (1998 m. --2,005 m.) and the number of deaths of colon cancer that occurred between (1998 m. - 2006 m.), and found that those who engage in physical activity constantly At least (10) years were less prone to the risk of death from colon cancer. Ken Drew Review

Says Kathleen Lin, assistant professor of surgery in the Division of Public Health Sciences, said that the people active continuously in adulthood may have a lower risk of death from colon cancer than those who do not engage in any activity Workout. adds Lin, saying that the program of physical activity, the benefits include not only reduce the incidence of death from colon cancer, but also a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes and other types of cancer, and show the greatest benefits from the exercise of such physical activity on individuals who had the largest proportion of physical activity.

“Said that the half-hour walk a day is sufficient, and has supported the National Institutes of Health and the American Cancer Society study”



Royal Jelly To Protect Against Colon Cancer

Proven scientific study in the University of Jordan's ability royal jelly with bacteria body beneficial in stopping the effectiveness of the enzymes produced to carcinogens within the gastrointestinal tract. Disease less review

Revealed the study conducted by a professor of biotechnology at the university, successful use of royal jelly with bacteria supportive in the gastrointestinal tract (bacteria beneficial) to stop the activity of enzymes produced to carcinogens within the gastrointestinal tract, if any, by 80 percent for what promises to achieve tangible progress for the prevention of gastrointestinal cancers, specifically colon.

Study was conducted with support from the deanship of scientific research at the university titled "The Impact of the use of the royal food and its source honey bee enzymes for the production of carcinogens from food within the digestive system.

“Said he held for several years, experiments on mice, especially in this study and found that enzymes own working on converting vehicles pre-carcinogens to carcinogens has decreased very high in record time and short, pointing that the use of royal jelly is a nutrient important for the cells of the digestive tract.

The use of the mixture is the way successful prevention of this disease, which comes in the top tier of the species circulating tumor worldwide after lung cancer, pointing out that the study was conducted in the laboratories of the Faculty of Agriculture University / Department of Nutrition and food processing will be published in international periodicals court soon. referred to the beneficial bacteria appear in the digestive tract after the birth of the child directly and have important functions, most notably prevent the growth of germs that cause serious diseases and to provide the immune system of the child to make it a condition vigilant all the time. for further detail Diseaseless System Book Review

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Green Tea Protects Against Colon Cancer

According to the latest research carried out by the American Association for Cancer Research that the compound "Albolivanon E." found in green tea extent of the growth of colorectal tumors in mice that were presented to the element carcinogenic.

Faculty Ernest Mario of Pharmacy at the University in Piscataway, New Jersey said in a statement "Our findings illustrate that mice fed a diet included composite" Albolivanon i.e. "reduced the risk of being infected with colon cancer.  ken drew
Researchers analyzed samples of blood and tissue colon, they found a large amount of elements Albolivenjul found in green tea in those samples in treated animals, and that these levels Elements of
Albolivenjul nearly identical in humans, after ingestion of green tea leaves or drink green tea.

Researchers believe that these results will pave the way for clinical trials
Albolivenjul elements found in green tea in humans.

Added to the mixture works to resist the virus so that the study showed the presence of effective within the royal jelly if mixed with bacteria endemic in the digestive tract, working to stop the production of enzymes carcinogens. , and about how to use the mixture, it is added very small amounts of royal jelly used (5.1 - 3) grams in a liter of skim milk, and eating for four weeks only.

Vitamin a for the treatment of ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome

New research showed the Chinese Nanchang University scientists that one of the forms of vitamin (A), called retinoic acid may be effective in the treatment of individuals with irritable bowel disease and ulcerative colitis.

Scientists have conducted tests on mice and human tissue, where the results showed the effectiveness of retinoic acid in reducing the inflammation associated with irritable bowel disease by increasing the activity of certain genes of the immune system and reduce inflammation activity vehicles.

Scientists say that the new research is very useful as most of the infections that occur is not known why the body as it is difficult to treat. http://www.diseaselessreviewscam.com/about-us/

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