Sunday, 22 June 2014

Sports Challenge Of Colon Cancer

A study conducted by researchers at the Cancer Center at the Faculty of Medicine at the University Washington Hospital, Barnes in St. Louis, that physical activity and exercise, reduces the risk of disease, colon cancer, and can make the disease less power, after infection. , and the work of researchers at the University of Washington with colleagues from the American Cancer Society to consider whether changes in physical activity influenced either cases of diagnosed cancer of the colon or the risk of dying from it.

Study included about 150 thousand men and women to determine how to colon cancer, the researchers compared the levels of physical activity between (1982 m. --1,997 m .) and the link between them and the activity levels both to the number of colon cancer between (1998 m. --2,005 m.) and the number of deaths of colon cancer that occurred between (1998 m. - 2006 m.), and found that those who engage in physical activity constantly At least (10) years were less prone to the risk of death from colon cancer. Ken Drew Review

Says Kathleen Lin, assistant professor of surgery in the Division of Public Health Sciences, said that the people active continuously in adulthood may have a lower risk of death from colon cancer than those who do not engage in any activity Workout. adds Lin, saying that the program of physical activity, the benefits include not only reduce the incidence of death from colon cancer, but also a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes and other types of cancer, and show the greatest benefits from the exercise of such physical activity on individuals who had the largest proportion of physical activity.

“Said that the half-hour walk a day is sufficient, and has supported the National Institutes of Health and the American Cancer Society study”



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